What is Oddbridge?The Oddbridge program provides a seamless transition from Middletown Public School elementary and middle schools to the Oddfellows Playhouse after-school programs.
Oddbridge Participants take a bus directly from their school to the Playhouse. There they are greeted at the door, receive a snack and get the opportunity for homework help. Students are provided with arts-based programming to help them focus and prepare for their afternoon class. Financial Aid is available to families that are not able to afford tuition.
Oddbridge DatesSeptember 16 - December 12, 2024 Monday through Thursday Afternoon classes begin at 4:50pm (Stage III classes for ages 12 -14 begin at 4:30 pm) Important InfoThe Oddbridge add-on costs $5 per day (so the additional fee is $40 for an eight week class that meets once per week). Scheduled early dismissals are included in this program and will include special field trips plus theater and circus events. Oddbridge will not be offered on school holidays, nor will our after-school classes except for rehearsals (Junior Rep Company + Circophony) and teen programs. |